International Eczema Council Fellowship Program Fellows

Learn more about the individuals who have contributed to the success of the IEC Fellowship program. From their research projects to their experiences working alongside IEC Councilors. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of our fellows and pave the way for the next generation of dermatologists. Click below to learn more about our current and past fellows and their contributions to the field of dermatology.

2024 Fellows


Mariana Guzmán, MD, Chile

International Clinical Fellowship

Funded by a grant from the IEC Foundation

Learn More About Dr. Guzman's Fellowship

Arbie Sofia Merilleno, MD, Philippines 

MDRI/IEC Canadian Research Fellowship: January 2024-December 2024

Funded by a generous grant from the Montreal Dermatology Research Institute.

Learn More About Dr. Merilleno's Fellowship

Vijaytha Muralidharan, MBChB MRCP, United Kingdom

US Clinical Fellowship: July 2024-June 2025

Funded by a generous grant from Pfizer.

Learn More About Dr. Muralidharan's Fellowship


 2022 Fellows

Caroline Marie Thérèse Mann, MD, Germany

US Clinical Fellowship: October 2022-September 2023

Funded by a generous grant from Abbvie.                                                                 

Learn More About Dr. Mann's Fellowship

Sheng-Pei Wang, MD, Taiwan

US Clinical Fellowship: July 2022-June 2023

Funded by a generous grant from Abbvie.

Learn More About Dr. Wang's Fellowship



2021 Fellows

Pedro J. Gómez Arias, MD, Spain

US Research Fellowship: July 2021-July 2022

Funded by a generous grant from Abbvie.

Learn More About Dr. Gómez-Arias' Fellowship

Antonia Reimer-Taschenbrecker, MD, Germany

US Clinical Fellowship: November 2021-November 2022

Funded by a generous grant from Abbvie.                                                                 

Learn More About Dr. Reimer-Tachenbrecker's Fellowship